Saturday, January 25, 2020

An Overview Of Peptic Ulcer Disease Health Essay

An Overview Of Peptic Ulcer Disease Health Essay Peptic ulcers are one of the most common gastrointestinal tract disorders. The recent past few decades have witnessed an increase in the rate of peptic ulcers occurrence in our human community (Thompson, 1996). It has evidently been shown from available statistics that an approximated over 10 percent of the human population are extremely at risk of suffering from the disease at some point in their lifetime (Cohen, 2007). Such statistics have also identified that peptic ulcers is more common in men than in women. This is attributed by many to the higher numbers of men engaged in alcohol drinking and cigarette smoking in the society compared to women (NDDIC, 2004). A peptic ulcer is a sore wound or red erosion area on the coating lining of the stomach called (gastric ulcer) or the small intestine called (duodenal ulcer). Duodenal ulcers tend to occur between the ages of 25 75, while gastric ulcers peak between the ages of 55 and 65. Other causes which have been associated with the dis ease include infections by helicobacter pylori. This is a bacterium which is known to attack the gastrointestinal tract thus leading to ulcers. However, it should be noted that genetic factors have also been claimed to cause peptic ulcer. There are many effects of peptic ulcer in the human body. Such include recurrent pains along the gastrointestinal tract, vomiting heartburns poor appetite and weight loss among others (The American College of Gastroenterology, 2009). It should however be realized that with our modern advancements in the medical field the treatment of peptic ulcers is now effective and sufficiently reliable. Such treatments might involve medication, dictated lifestyle, dietary supplements and undergoing surgical operation depending on the severity of the condition. Peptic Ulcer Disease Peptic ulcer disease had a great effect on morbidity and mortality until the last decades of the 20th century, when epidemiological trends started to point to a remarkable fall in its incidence. In addition, two important developments are associated with the decrease in rates of peptic ulcer disease: the discovery of effective and strong acid suppressants, and of Helicobacter pylori. The treatments of peptic ulcer disease have been changed with the discovery of the causes of peptic ulcer (Malfertheiner, P. Chan, F. McColl, K. 2009). Although significant advances in sciences, this disease remains an important medical problem, because the large use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), excessive smoking, increase alcohol consumption, and life style that increase the risk of the disease. Therefore, this explains the reason for choosing this topic in order to promote healthy behavior and improve health outcomes throughout lifespan by giving attention to the preventive measures. This paper is written as a critical analysis and discussion of peptic ulcers disease. It gives a discussion on the causes and effects of peptic ulcers in the human body. Still discussed are the signs and symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the disease as well the common types of peptic ulcers that are found in the society. Peptic Ulcers Overview First is a definition of peptic ulcer and its types. An ulcer can be defined as; an area in digestive system where the tissue has been damaged or destroyed by stomach acid and other digestive enzyme. Peptic ulcer disease is a common term for ulcers that occur either in the stomach or upper part of the small intestine. A peptic ulcer is a lesion or open sore in the wall of the gastrointestinal tract. The digestive enzyme which is acidic and is secreted by the stomach cells oxidized the lining of the stomach or upper part of the small intestine (duodenum) causing ulcer. Therefore, eroding can be seen in the mucous membrane which is lining the digestive tract. Moreover, this will lead to cause a gradual breakdown of tissue. This breakdown causes a concerning or burning pain in the upper middle part of the abdomen (Stratemeier, 2009). Even though most of peptic ulcers are small in size, ulcers average between one-quarter and one-half inch in diameter they can cause a significant amount o f symptoms and discomforts. It is to be noted here that the pain caused by peptic ulcers is recurrent and may come and go for a few days or weeks but mainly goes after eating. In addition, there are two different types of peptic ulcers namely; duodenal ulcers and gastric ulcers. Stomach or gastric ulcers is the type of peptic ulcers which mainly affects the stomach while duodenal ulcers affect the upper most part of the small intestine near the stomach. Ulcers can happen at any age, although they are rare in children and teenagers. Duodenal ulcers usually occur twice as common in men more than women. On the other hand, stomach or gastric ulcers usually occur in people older than 60 years and are more common in women (Stratemeier, 2009). It is difficult to estimate exactly how common peptic ulcers are because so many people they will not suffer from any symptoms. However, a study that tested 1,000 adults at random found that four per cent of them had a peptic ulcer (NHS Choices, 2009 ). Causes Second is a discussion on the causes of peptic ulcers. To start with, in the normal lining of the stomach and small intestines there are a protective process from auto digestion by the gastric mucosal barrier, this gastric mucosal barrier will prevent the irritating acids from diffusing back to the underlying tissue. This defensive process can stop working properly, and the lining of the stomach or intestine breaks down for different reasons. Scientific evidence has sufficiently proved that peptic ulcers are caused by the malfunctioning of the stomachs natural lining protection mechanisms against the damage effects of digestive juices (NDDIC, 2004). Such malfunctioning have been claimed to be caused by a number of factors, like is the helicobacter pylorus, a bacterial organism which is the most frequent cause of peptic ulcers. This bacterium mainly eats the protective lining of the gastrointestinal tract. This allows the digestive juice produced by the human body to damage the inner and sensitive part of the stomach or duodenum lining thus causing pain. Just to be stated here is the evidence that though helicobacter pylori is the most common cause of peptic ulcers, there are many people in our population living with the bacteria but do not exhibit signs of the disease (Thompson, 1996). Still clear is that H. pylori is believed to be transmitted through oral to oral contact, so those living in crowed areas increases ones chances of contracting the infection. Another common cause of peptic ulcers is the continuous use of painkiller drugs such as, aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Scientific evidence has clearly shown that such drugs are highly acidic and thus can easily lead to the wearing out of the digestive system lining (NDDIC, 2004). Still evident is the fact that this type of drugs blocks the flow of prostaglandins in the human body. It should be understood that this is the substance which is responsible for helpin g the flow of blood in the stomach and thus it helps in protecting the stomach from injury. This means that such drugs can compromise the stomach lining protection mechanism of the body and thus risking the occurrence of peptic ulcers in the body (Lanza, Chan, Quigley, 2009). Other causes of peptic ulcers include Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. This is commonly said to be a condition in which the pancreas and duodenum which are responsible for the production of gastric acid have a tumor. Such leads to the excessive production of gastric acid which is responsible for digestion of food in the stomach, a factor which might risk causing ulcers (Dugdale, D. Zieve, D. 2008). In adding together, it has been evidently noted that peptic ulcers are genetic. Therefore, if you have a family history of ulcers or the blood type O, you are more likely to get a duodenal ulcer (Shayne Miller, 2009). Still established is the fact that cigarette smoking and excessive intake of alcohol are not only a ca use of peptic ulcers but also a great threat to the efficient treatment of ulcers. Apart from the many causes of peptic ulcers, are any thing that leads to the direct damage of the digestive wall lining. Such might include physical injury or even radiation therapy. Likewise, a very sick patient who is on a ventilator support is at high risk for a condition called stress ulceration. It is here to be noted that unlike many belief, diet has not been scientifically proven to cause peptic ulcers (Dugdale, D. Zieve, D. 2008). The last and most common factor to peptic ulcers is living in chronic stress or depression (Shayne Miller, 2009). This has been claimed to lead to the excess production of digestive acids thus eating out the stomach lining. Sign and Symptoms Thirdly is a discussion on the signs and symptoms of peptic ulcers. The most common symptom of peptic ulcers is having recurrent abdominal pains which are marked with a burning sensation. Such pains are located in the upper middle part of the abdomen. Also it can be felt like burning or gnawing and it may radiate to the back. It can be aggravated when the stomach is empty, and can worse at night and early morning. Another sign is the constant experiencing of heartburns and indigestion. It is to be noted that though peptic ulcers are more painful when the stomach is empty, such are a leading cause of lack of appetite and vomiting on the individual. Peptic ulcers are also attributed to the sudden loss of body weight in (gastric ulcer) because eating does not relieve the pain and could still worsen it. Yet (duodenal ulcers) will lead to gain weight because the patient eats to relieve pain (Lanza, Chan, Quigley, 2009). Other symptoms of peptic ulcers include the following: discomfort, B loating, and feelings of fullness. Added more symptoms are, feeling of an empty in the stomach, regurgitation (feeling of acid backing up into the throat), and belching. Still to be noted is that peptic ulcers have been closely associated with chest pains and feelings of fatigue. It should however be noted that some symptoms like sudden increase in abdominal pains, vomiting of blood and blood in stool are considered as critical signs of chronic peptic ulcers. All this signs are symbolic of the possibility that ulcers have either broken a blood vessel or perforated the stomach or duodenum walls. Such could also be as a result of the blockage of food from moving from stomach into the duodenum and thus causing vomiting (The American College of Gastroenterology, 2009). Effects of Peptic ulcer Peptic ulcers have many effects in the victims life. The most common is the fact that ulcers in most cases can not be full treated. They are usually recurrent particular to alcohol abusers and smokers. Just to be stated is that the majority of people with chronic ulcers experience considerable pain and sleeplessness; this can have a remarkable and adverse impact on their quality of life (Thompson, 1996). Another effect of peptic ulcers in the body is that they can lead internal bleeding especially when they perforate the stomach lining or break a blood vessel. Peptic ulcers can cause the ultimate obstruction of the gastric outlet, stomach and intestines as well as leading to the inflammation of tissues lining the abdomen. This leads to a serious health complication which might call for a surgical operation or even death (Cohen, 2007). Peptic ulcers if not treated early enough can penetrate into other internal body parts like liver as well as the pancreas and cause severe back pain. I t has also been found out that peptic ulcers can lead to perforation of the wall of the digestive system thus leading to the spilling of digestive system contents into the abdominal cavity. Such are very catastrophic to the patients life as can lead to acute peritonitis (The American College of Gastroenterology, 2009). It should also be noted that peptic ulcer can lead to the swelling of the abdominal wall thus compromising the free flow of food in the digestion system. Lastly, it has been established that peptic ulcers are a great contributing factor in causing peptic cancer. Such could mean a lifetime health complication on the person. This is because even after undergoing surgery operation for treating the problem, it is rarely possible for the individual to fully assume his or her normal lifestyle (NDDIC, 2004). Diagnosis Owing to our modern advancements in technology and medical research, the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of peptic ulcers has been made easier and more reliable. The diagnosis of peptic ulcers mainly involves an interview by the doctor to identify the presence of the many symptoms and signs of the condition. Such include recurrent abdominal pains, vomiting and blood in the patients stool (Cohen, 2007). It should however be noted that for a doctor to qualify a patient to be suffering from peptic ulcer requires for a number of medical tests. The first is the esophagogastroduodenoscopy which involves the insertion of a thin tube attached to a camera through the patients mouth into the digestive system. This helps the doctor to see the presence of sore in the stomach and small intestine walls. It should be noted here that helicobacter pylori is the most common cause of peptic ulcers (NDDIC, 2004). It is due to this reason that the doctor might take a biopsy from the patients stomach walls to test for the presence of the bacterium. Another test which is conducted is the upper G1 test. This involves a series of x-rays on the patients abdomen and is usually conducted after the patient has taken barium (Shayne Miller, 2009). It should be understood that the doctor might also request for a laboratory test of both blood and stool. The stool test seeks to establish the presence of blood in the patients stool while the hemoglobin test checks for anemia. All this tests are conducted as a way of ascertaining the level of the condition which helps in deciding the type of medication to be used. Treatment Treating of peptic ulcers has been greatly improved not only due to our medical advancements but due to the identification of the two major causes of disease among other risk factors. The treatment of peptic ulcers is mainly conducted as a concern for eliminating the underlying causes of the disease. This is because such an approach prevents any further damage and thus reducing chances of reoccurrence of the condition. Therefore, medication is mainly given for eliminating the helicobacter pylori bacteria as well as helping the body overcoming the symptoms of peptic ulcers. Many antacids are available without a prescription, since they are the first drugs suggested to alleviate heartburn and mild digestive disorders. Antacids are not useful to prevent or heal the ulcers; however they are able to assist in the neutralizing stomach acid. When the cause for the ulcer is H. pylori infection, a three-drug course of therapy for two weeks is the standard therapy for curing. This three-drug c ourse of therapy consists of two antibiotics and a proton pump inhibitor (PPI). The most common antibiotics usually used to treat H. pylori infections are amoxicillin, or metronidazone. Proton pumps inhibitor (PPI) therapy (such as omeprazole or lansoprazole) these are drugs that reduce acid secretion by inhibiting the gastric acid pump. Other medications may include one or more of the following: Acid blockers (such as cimetidine or ranitidine) (NDDIC, 2004). However, if a peptic ulcer bleeds severely, an Endoscopy might be needed to stop the bleeding. Otherwise if the bleeding cannot be stopped with an Endoscopy, surgery might be essential. This involves the physical removal of the sores in the stomach or duodenum through endoscopy. A further surgical procedure is vagotomy which is cutting one or more branches of the vagus nerve to reduce hydrochloric acid secretion (Dugdale, D. Zieve, D. 2008). Apart from medication and surgery as ways of treating peptic ulcers, doctors usually a dvice on self-control from risk factors by the patient. These mainly include alcohol abuse and cigarette smoking as well as changes in diets. It has been evidently proved that taking of foods rich in fibers greatly reduces chances of sustaining peptic ulcers Prevention It should be noted that prevention is better than cure. It is therefore mainly advised that people avoid risk factors which can lead to peptic ulcers. In the past, it was broad way to tell people with peptic ulcers to change the way of eating habits by consuming small amount of meals, and frequent amounts of bland foods. Also people can stay away from peptic ulcers by avoiding things that increase stomach acid secretion and break down the stomachs protective barrier. These things include alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking, and non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs along with aspirin. For preventing H. pylori caused peptic ulcers, people are advised to avoid living in crowded places, avoid contaminated water or food, and stick to strict principles of precautions as well as personal hygiene (NDDIC, 2004). Furthermore some evidence suggests that exercise may help reduce the risk for ulcers in some people. Other than, stress relief programs have not been shown to promote ulcer healin g, but they may have other health benefits (Stratemeier, 2009). In conclusion, it has been evidently established that peptic ulcers is becoming a common disease across the globe. Which can affect quite a lot of people especially Cigarette smokers and alcohol consumers. In addition the main causes of this disease are helicobacter pylori and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It has however been clear recognized that there are many risk factor to the disease. Men are more victims to the disease as opposed to women (NDDIC, 2004). Such have been mainly attributed to genetic and hormonal composition of men as well as to the high prone rate of men to risk factors as compared to women. It was also clear that the ulcer caused by numerous reasons, and these reasons leading to several effects such as bleeding, perforation, and obstruction. However, peptic ulcers can be cured and even prevented if the patients are ready to modify their lifestyle and stick to their drug remedy. At last, the need for health educational activities is compulsory to increase the perception and awareness about the disease in the society. References Cohen, S. (2007). Peptic Ulcer Disease. Retrieved December 25, 2009, from Dugdale, D. Zieve, D. (2008). Peptic Ulcer. Retrieved November 25, 2009. from Lanza, F., Chan, F. Quigley, E. (2009). Practice Parameters Committee of the American College of Gastroenterology. Guidelines for prevention of NSAID-related ulcer complications. Am J Gastroenterol, 104, 728-738. Malfertheiner, P. Chan, F. McColl, K. (2009) Peptic Ulcer Disease. Retrieved November 25, 2009. from National Digestive Disease Information Clearinghouse. (2004). H. Pylori and Peptic Ulcer. Retrieved November 30, 2009, from NHS Choices. (2009). Peptic Ulcer. Retrieved November 25, 2009, from Shayne, P., Miller, W. (2009). Gastritis and Peptic Ulcer Disease. Retrieved December 25, 2009, from Stratemeier, M. (2009) Peptic Ulcers. Retrieved November 28, 2009. from The American College of Gastroenterology. (2009). Peptic Ulcer Disease. Retrieved November 30, 2009, from Thompson, W. (1996). The Ulcer Story: The Authoritative Guide to Ulcers, Dyspepsia, and Heartburn. New York: Plenum.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Disney Case Essay

The Walt Disney Company, founded in 1923, has been revolutionary in the American animation industry with the debut of Mickey Mouse in Steamboat Willie to be the very first cartoon ever with synchronized sound. In 1954, the company expanded and developed its very own television program known as The Wonderful World of Disney. Later on in the decade, the company further expanded beyond film and television to open amusement parks featuring characters from their beloved film and television series. Since then the company has further grown, deriving revenue from entertainment assets and consumer products and foods aimed at children. In 2004, The Walt Disney Company found itself in the middle of a maelstrom, specifically regarding nutrition levels of their consumer foods. The company was subject to growing criticism from activists, parents and governments around the world who believed that packaged good manufactures, fast food companies and media outlets that advertised Disney products were contributing to the growing obesity epidemic. Disney Consumer Products (DCP), a division of The Walt Disney Company responsible for product development and marketing of Disney-branded merchandise has seen this controversy as an opportunity to reconsider their entire range of food products. Change is being implemented to transition the Disney brand from a large confectionery collection of foodinto one that offers a balanced nutritional diet. In regarding this issue, it is recommended Disney take an active approach and collaborate with their television channel in reaching out to children and teaching them the importance and advantages of healthy eating. As the Disney Channel garners a lot of views, this avenue will reach a wide amount of viewers and may be a positive influence with children. Another recommendation would be to maximize the leverage of the popularity of Disney characters by associating them with healthy eating. This would be similar to the idea of the Popeye character whose strength mainly comes from spinach. As well, it is also recommended that Disney employ a Healthy Food Campaign aimed at parents to establish credibility with them and the government to demonstrate that Disney is taking an active step to help reduce the obesity epidemic. Issue Statement In 2004, health experts have characterized childhood obesity in the United States as epidemic and Europe as not far behind. The dramatic increases in childhood obesity and growing concern from activists, parents and the government have caused The Walt Disney Company to consider the nutritional value of their food products. DCP managers have realized that the company needs to establish credibility with the U.S. government, parents and nutritionists, however, this is a significant challenge due to the company’s existing licensing deals with various candy and treat manufactures and long-standing role as a toy supplier for McDonald’s who is also under constant attack as a significant contributor to the obesity epidemic. Though nobody expects Disney to solve the problem of childhood obesity single handedly, it is expected from Disney to at least take initiative and use its brand strength to reach children. Situational Analysis SWOT The 4 P’s (Product, Price, Place and Promotion) Product: Disney has a great variety of products divided into 5 categories: main meal, side dish, snacks, drinks, and treats. In each category, there are a number of food products with 15% of all products can be classified as treats with the rest of the 85% falling in the other 4 categories. As well, Disney has placed an emphasis on the quality of the goods under the Disney brand. A conducted research shows that mothers appreciated the fact that the products offered under the Disney brand were of high quality. This emphasis on high quality standards has continually positioned the company as the preferred food distributor. Price: Though the retailers sell the products at the normal market price, there exists an extra cost of royalty charged by the company for the advertising effect. Disney wants to be affordable so measures have been taken to reduce costs. Place: Disney has marketed their products through supermarkets such as Wal-Mart, Albertsons, and Safeway. 3 distribution channels have been used: Licensing, sourcing and Direct-to-retail. These channels bring in large steady streams of revenue without much cost. Promotion: Many promotion strategies have been implemented by DCP such as the sticker promotion on various fruits, which have generated a lot of interest in young children. The 5 C’s (Company, Competitor, Collaborator, Context, Customer) Company – Disney, DCP Potential internal strengths:Potential internal weaknesses: -Corporation brand name has powerfully distinguished itself nationwide as one of the best in the entertainment business -Well-known brand name that has lead to high brand loyalty; synonymous with fun and magic -Disney has held the top spots for the world’s most valuable franchise characters. -DCP is the world’s largest licensor -Children are very well familiar with Disney characters-Licensing with McDonalds and various candy and treat manufacturers -Growing criticism from activists, parents and governments around the world about contribution to the growing obesity epidemic -Does not own their own manufacturing Competitor – Entertainment brands DisneyNickelodeonSesame workshopWarner bros. CharactersMickey Mouse, Winnie the Pooh, etc. SpongeBob, Dora the Explorer, etc. Elmo, Grover & Cookie MonsterHarry Potter, Looney Tunes CollaborationKroger, Safeway, Albertson’s, Wal-MartLicensing partnershipDel Monte FoodsReady Pac NetworkFilm & Television programNickelodeon channelSesame Street public television program —– Conceptâ€Å"Better for You†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Every fruit a kid would want to eat with Nickelodeon character† â€Å"Healthy Habits for Life†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Healthier Snack Alternative† & â€Å"The Original Kid Pleasin’, mom-lovin’ dippity delicious snack!†

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Free Cuba Essay - 2355 Words

Free Cuba I. Introduction: Cuban history, like many other countries in Latin America and the Caribbean which have experienced colonial subjugation and imperial interference, is highlighted by tumultuous rebellions. Ever since the revolt of Carlos Manuel de Cespedes in 1868, who took up arms with his slaves to liberate Cuba from Spain’s colonial grasp, the existence of insurrectionists and adamant government opposition in Cuba has flourished. Social revolution and a strong will and practice of nationalism has indelibly characterized Cuban history. Nevertheless, the outcomes of particular movements and struggles for social justice have consistently frustrated revolutionary and radical leaders. Government regimes throughout†¦show more content†¦3) II. From Colonial Subjugation to Imperial Intervention: The Cuban destiny, according to Castro, is the creation of an independent nation with the conditions of territorial sovereignty, an independent political structure, a national economy, and a differentiated culture 4. These four conditions mentioned by Castro in his manifesto simply reiterate the frustrations of the Cuban people who although were liberated from colonial oppression continued to remain the subjects of foreign sovereignty. Foreign influence and sovereignty this time around in the 20th century was not wielded by the Spanish crown, but rather by the friendly neighbor from North America, the United States. Therefore, intimately related to the notion of Cuba’s destiny is the desire to stray away from dependency on any foreign nation for economic purposes. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Managing Organisational Behaviour for the benefit of a company - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2031 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Management Essay Type Narrative essay Did you like this example? Organisational Behaviour is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals,groups, and structure have on behaviour within organisations for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving an organisations effectiveness (s ribbins 2001) As you can see from the definition above, organizational behavior encompasses a wide range of topics, such as human behavior, change, leadership, teams, etc.OB is specifically concerned with employment related situations and hence it emphasizes behaviour related to jobs,work,employement turnover,productivity,human performance and management. The organizations base rests on managements philosophy, values, vision and goals. This in turn drives the organizational culture which is made up of formal ,informal and the social environment. The culture determines the type of leadership, communication, and group dynamics within the organization. The workers see this as the quality of work life which relates to their de gree of motivation. The final outcome are performance, individual satisfaction, personal growth and development. All these elements combine to form framework that the organization operates from. Management is the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives efficiently and effectively. According to Mary parker Follett(1868-1933) Management is described as the art of getting things done through people It is the process through which the efforts of members of the organisation are co-ordinated, directed and guided towards the achievement of organisational goals. It is an integral part of the successful operations of the organisation. Management is hence the cornerstone of organisational effectiveness, and is concerned with the procedures for the carrying out the organisational processes and its execution (MULLINS) Management operates along various functions, often classified as planning, organizing, staffing, leading/directing, motivation and controlling/monitoring. Among the various aspects of management,I would like to emphasize on the importance of Motivation,Leadership and Human resource management as one of the most important factors likely to determine the success of an organization. In this essay I have taken a few case studies to emphasise the importance of management in an organisation. The first case study deals with the motivation of Siemens employees that has helped the company to achieve excellence in a creative environment. The second case study that I have used, mainly talks about the importance of Leadership and the way leaders are groomed for the future in a giant IT organisation like Infosys. And finally I stress upon the importance of Human resource management as a strategic tool in the management of the organisations most valued asset-people.I would talk about the various success Human Resource practices being employed in Google. Success Factors: Management is today the significant part of o ur daily life and one of the effective and innovative ingredients of our improved economies and better societies. Out of nowhere; today management is being recognized as a separate ground of learning. Hence one of the important aspect of an effective management is the ability to motivate the work force and to make use of the human potential to the fullest.People vary in their ability to do an activity and in their willingness to do it. The need with the greatest strength at any one time is what leads to activity (Hersey Blanchard,1933). Motivation is a desire to achieve a goal combined with the energy to work towards it. Motivation is an important tool for the success of an organization because: It improves the level of efficiency of employees It puts work force into action It leads in achievement of organisational goals It increases the stability of work force. There are two types of motivation. Intrisic Motivation and extrinsic Motivation. Intrinsic motiva tion  refers to motivation that is driven by an interest or enjoyment in the task itself, and exists within the individual rather than relying on any external pressure.Bainbridge, Carol.  Intrinsic Motivation. motivation has been associated with greater creativity(Amabile,1983), flexibility(Mcgraw and McCullers,1979) and spontaneity (Koestner,Ryan,Bernieri Holt,1984) the presence of those characteristics can signify intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation and self determination in human behaviour by Edward L.deci, Richard M Ryan Extrinsic motivation refers to motivation that comes from outside an individual. The motivating factors are external, or outside, rewards such as money or promotion or sumtimes even coercion or threat of punishment. Extrinsic motivation  does induce an individual to perform a certain task even if there is no interest in it.  Most difficult things become more bearable when youve got something t o look forward to at the end. Siemens Case Study:Motivation within a creative Environment: Siemens is the engineering group that is behind many of the products and services people take for granted in their daily lives.The company has three main sectors;Industry,energy and Healthcare.It employs approximately 420,800 people in nearly 190 countries. Engineers use scientific principles to develop products or systems to solve real life problems.It is about innovation rather than invention which means engineers transform creative ideas into improved products, services, technologies or processes. A career within the field of engineering is exciting as the work is constantly changing. Becoming an engineer at Siemens is about using energy, ideas and passion. It requires a range of skills and abilities that are needed across the whole business. Siemens provides opportunities for young people at all lev els to enter the world of engineering. It recruits at a number of different levels.. It goes beyond the standard approaches to attracting good people because its employees enable it to be competitive. This approach has led to Siemens becoming an open culture with opportunities for employees at all levels. People can enter a career in engineering at many levels. Professional engineers usually enter after a university degree. Others may enter as apprentice technicians following studies at school or college. However, regardless of entry level Siemens employees enjoy wide-ranging opportunities for further education and training.This gives an opportunity to move into other disciplines For instance, they may go into areas such as research, manufacturing, sales and marketing, or finance. Theories of Motivation. There are many competing theories which attempt to explain the nature of motivation. These theories may all be to a certain extent true, and help to explain the behaviour of certain people at certain times. However there is no such thing as a generalized theory of motivation. A major determinant of human behaviour is the particular situation in which individuals find themselves. Motivation varies over time from person to person according to circumstances. This case study focuses upon three different theories of motivation and uses these to illustrate how employees are motivated within at Siemens. Some staff at Siemens thrives on the problem solving aspect of their roles and responds to challenges. Other employees find the varied nature of the work motivating having the opportunity to try different roles. The structure of Siemens motivates individuals by empowering them to improve processes. Siemens provides the sort of environment where workers can learn new things and are given the opportunity to progress within the business. This culture demonstrates that Siemens values its employees and helps to recruit the next generation of engineers. A mo tivated workforce puts more energy into work in order to achieve the required outcomes. Motivated employees feel that their work is special. They are encouraged to take pride in what they do. Scientific Management Frederick Taylor looked at work within a production setting. He believed that the relationship between task and workers co-operation could be standardized. Taylors scientific management theory involved observing workers to see how they carried out tasks. As a result of his work tasks were broken down into smaller scale units of work, requiring little understanding from employees of what they were doing. This job specialization meant that workers undertook tasks with a narrowly defined range, for which they were rewarded according to how much they produced. Payment systems rewarded those who produced the most. Taylors way of working is very different from the needs of the modern working environment. However his work has helped form a scientific understanding o f how work is organized. Today, companies needs people with greater capability and flexibility. At Siemens, the culture encourages employees to become more involved in their work, suggesting and implementing improvements. Control as originally suggested by Taylor, is not what modern engineering is about. Controls still exist but the person doing the job is encouraged to work as part of a team and become involved in deciding the best way to do or improve a task. This is because in engineering there is a continuous need to develop new and better products and processes.By working with individuals as they perform their roles, it is possible to peoples enthusiasm and their ideas so that improvements can be made. This provides them with rewards and benefits, not just in terms of pay, but also in job satisfaction and recognition. Hierarchy of needs theory: The most well known theory of motivation is Abraham Maslows hierarchy of needs. Maslow saw human needs in the form of a hierarchy , ascending from the lowest to the highest, and he concluded that when one set of needs is satisfied, this kind of need ceases to be a motivator. As per his theory there exists a hierarchy of five needs. These needs are: Physiological:Includes hunger,thirst,shelter and other bodily needs Safety:Includes security and protection from physical and mental harm Social:Includes affection,belongingness and friendship Esteem:Includes esteem factors such as self-respect,autonomy ,achievement,status and recognition Self Actualisation: The drive to become what one is capable of becoming includes growth,achieving ones potential and fulfillment. Siemens provides the opportunity for employees to fulfill their higher-order needs. For skilled workers, like engineers, these are likely to be of great importance.Feeling that ones work is making a difference can improve self-esteem. Siemens runs schemes in which suggestions and projects for improvements are rewarded. This could be financially, either individually or as part of a team, or in terms of peer or management recognition of their achievements.Self-actualization is concerned with workers fulfilling their potential. An engineering environment generates excitement and challenges. Original solutions and ideas are required to solve problems on a daily basis. These appeal to the higher needs of employees. It is also possible to use technology to identify new ways of working and new processes. Siemens offers training and development opportunities. This links with self-actualization as it helps engineers to extend their capabilities which may lead to a progression up the career ladder. It also helps individuals to meet the changing demands of the business global markets. Frederick Herzbergs motivation-hygiene theory: Frederick has tried to modify Maslows need Hierarchy theory. His theory is also known as two-factor theory or Hygiene theory. According to his theory people are influenced by two set of fa ctors. They are Motivation factors that includes achievement, recognition, resposibilty and growth and Hygiene factors which includes pay and recognition, status, working conditions and job security. To reduce dissatisfaction, Siemens believes the best method is to raise awareness of issues with employees and encourage their involvement. They then understand and recognize the need for change. This has helped Siemens to manage change programs. Motivation at Siemens stimulate engineers to work in the best way possible. Being empowered helps them to manage their roles and enables them to use this power to change things. Whether individuals enter the organization after their college or as apprentices or graduates, the work they undertake is stimulating. In addition to these three theories there are a number of contemporary theories in motivation which include ERG theory,McClellands theory of needs,Cognitive Evaluation theory,Goal setting theory and reinforcement theory. Thus we see that works of Maslow and Herzberg applies in a modern engineering environment like Siemens more than Taylors. Lower order needs are met by the organization providing good pay and a safe working environment. Higher order needs are also provided for its engineers through training and development, as well as the opportunity to undertake creative and challenging work. Siemens employees are motivated by being recognized for their achievements and by having opportunities for progression, regardless of the level at which they started working for Siemens. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Managing Organisational Behaviour for the benefit of a company" essay for you Create order